Dr Carina Chow


Specialty: Colorectal Surgeon

Dr Chow completed her MBBS undergraduate degree at the University of Sydney, her General Surgery training at Westmead Hospital and in surrounding areas including Canberra (2003-2006).

Her colorectal training (CSSANZ)was completed at the Prince of Wales Hospital (NSW) in 2007 and the Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital in 2008. She undertook specialist robotic training at Anam Hospital, Korea University Medical College, in Seoul.

Since 2009, Dr Chow has practiced as a colorectal surgeon at the Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital and the Mater Hospital.

Dr Chow’s research interests include:

  • The development of a competency-based training program for robotic Colorectal surgery
  • Reviewing the role of complete mesocolic excision in colonic cancer
  • Comparing oncological outcomes of a low tie with D3 (extended) lymphadenectomy and a standard high tie

Professional Memberships and Other roles:

  • RACS
  • AMA
  • Senior Lecturer, University of Queensland
  • Supervisor of surgical training at the Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital

Appointments & Enquiries

Specialist Services Medical Group Suite 52
Ground Level Sandford Jackson Building 30 Chasely Street
Auchenflower QLD 4066

Phone07 3226 3800

Dr Chris Gillespie


Specialty: Colorectal Surgeon

Chris attended medical school at the University of Auckland, graduating in 2001. Prior to surgical training he spent 2 years in Gisborne, New Zealand, for intern and resident years including 6 months in general practice. Further time was spent in UK/Ireland as a senior house officer and at Middlemore Hospital in Auckland in plastic surgery.

Chris then underwent general surgical training at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Melbourne (2005- 2011) but spent one year at King’s College Hospital in London for intensive care and emergency medicine training. During this time Chris received the Gordon Gordon-Taylor medal for highest mark in Australasia for basic surgical sciences. General surgical training was completed in Melbourne with FRACS attained in 2011. Chris was then accepted to postfellowship training under the Colorectal Surgical Society of Australia & New Zealand, and spent 2 years undergoing subspecialty training at Auckland City Hospital and Gold Coast Hospital. Chris achieved membership of the CSSANZ and was awarded the Travelling Fellowship resulting in visits to St. Mark’s Hospital, Oxford and Basingstoke Hospitals in the UK in 2013.

Since completing training Chris has held public appointments at Princess Alexandra Hospital, Queen Elizabeth II Hospital, Logan Hospital and Mater Public Hospital and private practice at Westside Private Hospital. In 2013 he set up the “Enhanced Recovery After Surgery” programme at Logan Hospital; this has gone on to result in improved outcomes for colorectal surgery patients at Logan Hospital, with reduced complications and hospital stay. He enjoys teaching and is senior coordinator of the Queensland CORE course for general surgical trainees, as well as being an instructor for the “Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient” course. He has interests in all aspects of colorectal surgery including advances in minimally invasive surgery, anal fistula, rectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, and is the clinical lead for the newly developed colorectal pelvic floor unit at Queen Elizabeth II Hospital. Chris regularly performs assessment of pelvic floor patients using state-of-the-art anorectal physiology equipment in the new lab at Queen Elizabeth II Hospital, offering this service for private patients as well. The pelvic floor unit incorporates a multidisciplinary team for pelvic floor patients and is now the referral centre for all Metro South colorectal pelvic floor patients.

Chris is accredited by the Gastroenterological Society of Australia to perform both upper GI endoscopy (gastroscopy) and colonoscopy and is a registered colonoscopist with the National Bowel Cancer Screening Programme for Queensland. He is an accomplished laparoscopic surgeon and also offers robotic colorectal surgery using the latest Da Vinci Xi robot.

Special Interests :

  • Colorectal surgery including advances in minimally invasive surgery
  • Anal fistula
  • Rectal cancer
  • Inflammatory bowel disease

Appointments & Enquiries

Brisbane Colorectal Suite 1
Level 3 of The Mater Private Clinic 550 Stanley Street
South Brisbane

Phone: (07) 3010 3360
Fax: (07) 3844 3635
Email: reception@brisbanecolorectal.com.au
Website: www.brisbanecolorectal.com.au

Dr Tim Slack


Specialty: Colorectal Surgeon

Tim grew up in Chinchilla on the Darling Downs and completed his schooling in Toowoomba before moving to Brisbane to start his tertiary study. He completed his Bachelor of Science and then Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of QLD, graduating in 2003. He completed his general surgery training based at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane and was admitted as a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 2012.

Following this, Tim completed the two-year training programme in colorectal surgery, under the Colorectal Surgical Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSSANZ). These years were spent at colorectal units at the Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney and the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital.

Tim has a broad interest and experience in all areas of colorectal surgery, utilising advanced laparoscopic and minimally invasive techniques as well as robotic surgery.

Special Interests :

  • Colon and rectal cancer/polyps
  • Diverticular disease
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Advanced colonoscopy
  • Anorectal complaints (haemorrhoids; fistulae; fissures)
  • Rectal prolapse and other functional complaints

Tim works from the Westside Private Hospital in Taringa and he also has a public hospital appointment at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, as well as the Queen Elizabeth II Hospital where he performs anorectal physiology assessments (including endoanal and endorectal ultrasound) for functional and other colorectal disorders. Tim also maintains an interest in general and emergency surgery, and performs incisional, umbilical and laparoscopic inguinal hernia repairs.

Tim is heavily involved in teaching and training at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels through the University of QLD and the Princess Alexandra Hospital.

Appointments & Enquiries

Brisbane Colorectal Suite 1
Level 3 of The Mater Private Clinic
550 Stanley Street
South Brisbane 4101

Phone: (07) 3010 3360
Fax: (07) 3844 3635
Email: reception@brisbanecolorectal.com.au
Website: www.brisbanecolorectal.com.au